1 Hear the music of the chime
Floating o’er death’s waters chill;
‘Tis a melody sublime,
Ringing sweet from Eden’s hill.
There remaineth to His own,
In the mansions of the blest,
In the bosom of the Lord,
Rest, eternal love, and rest.
2 Toss’d upon the waves of sin,
In the ocean world so wide,
Sailor, hear the distant chime,
Mingling with the roaring tide,
There remaineth to His own,
In the mansions of the blest,
In the bosom of the Lord,
Rest, eternal love, and rest.
3 Far beyond earth’s care and toil,
Pilgrim, when your race is run,
You shall lay your burdens down
Where life’s Sabbath is begun.
From the New Jerusalem,
Comes the music of the blest,
In the bosom of your Lord,
There remaineth perfect rest.
Source: Consecrated Hymns #87