1 Hear you not the Savior calling,
Calling you so earnestly?
Gently, too, the tones are falling,
"Come, oh, come, and follow me."
Let us round our Leader rally,
Jesus bids us each to come;
He will lead us thro' life's valley,
O'er the river safely home.
2 Lay not upon earth your treasure,
Transient, perishing 'twill be;
Rather seek eternal pleasure;
Would you find it? Follow me. [Chorus]
3 In my Father's house in heaven
Let your hearts untroubled be;
Glorious mansions will be given,
Only come and follow me. [Chorus]
4 Be thy pathway bright or dreary,
Whither duty leadeth thee,
Strong thy steps, or faint and weary,
I will guide thee follow me. [Chorus]
5 When thy days on earth are ending,
And the close of life you see,
Even to the grave descending,
Never fear, but follow me. [Chorus]
Source: Joy to the World: or, sacred songs for gospel meetings #92