1 Helped by helping others;
‘Tis a golden rule,
Learned by happy lessons
In the Master’s school;
In the daily conflict
We shall stronger grow,
If we help another
Overcome the foe.
Helping others, ‘tis a blessed way,
Helping other, practice it today;
Helped by helping others, ‘tis the way that wins,
Helped by helping others, heav’nly joy begins.
2 If we lift a neighbor
To a nobler plane,
On the mount of blessing,
Higher ground we gain;
Taking from His shoulder
Heavy loads of care,
Lighter seems the burden
WE ourselves must bear. [Refrain]
3 If we love the Master,
Not for self we live;
Strength and sunny gladness
We must freely give;
Cheering up a comrade,
As we pass along,
Love’s sweet notes reecho,
Fill our hearts with song. [Refrain]
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #47