1 Him whom the skies, the earth, the sea
Confess, adore, declare,
Lord of that threefold regency,
Behold a virgin bear!
2 Him whom the light, and time, and space
Obey, and own His reign,
Behold, indued with heavenly grace,
An earthly maid contain!
3 O blest was she, that virgin bland,
Whom He, the Lord of all,
That grasps yon concave in His hand,
His mother deigned to call.
4 Blest, whom the angel hailed, on whom
The Holy Ghost came down;
Whose Son, desired their health to come,
Their health the nations own!
5 But blest, more blest than she, are they
By whom His will is done,
Who hear His precepts, and obey
The Father in the Son.
6 To Thee, eternal Son of God,
Here born of lowly maid,
Is glory in the Godhead owned,
To Thee be glory paid!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10697