1 Ho, ev’ry one that thristeth,
Come, to the living stream,
Come without price or money,
For Jesus did redeem!
Come, fill your empty vessels,
Come, for the feast is spread,
Come, whosoever hungers
For Christ, the living bread.
Come to the flowing fountain,
Your empty vessels fill,
Come ev’ry one that thirsteth,
Come, whosoever will.
2 Come, sinner, Jesus calls you,
Come, and He will forgive;
Come, take this free salvation,
Come, and your soul shall live;
Come, seek your soul’s redeemer,
Seek while He may be found;
Call while He still is near thee,
Come, hear the gospel sound. [Refrain]
3 O blessed invitation!
To ev’ry sinner giv’n;
O well of living water,
O blessed home in heav’n!
Yes, I will come, my Saviour,
Just as I am to Thee,
My life, my all I offer
Thine evermore to be. [Refrain]
Source: The Helper in Sacred Song: for Sunday-schools, churches, and devotional services #126