1 Holy Spirit, bless me now!
At thy feet I humbly bow;
Look upon my bitter pain,
Cleanse my soul from ev’ry stain.
Holy Spirit, come, oh, come,
Make in every heart thy home;
Ever stay enthroned within,
Break the power of canceled sin.
2 Whiter than the driven snow,
Pure as is the lily’s glow;
May my heart thy temple be
Consecrated, Lord, to thee. [Refrain]
3 Let thy will in me be done,
May thy will and mine be one;
Lost in Christ, oh, reign alone,
Make a sinners heart thy throne. [Refrain]
4 Now I made thy ways my choice,
Let me hear thy gentle voice;
Shed abroad the peace divine,
Bind my heart in love to thine. [Refrain]
5 Cleanse, oh, cleanse my sin-sick soul,
Speak the word, and make me whole;
From the altar send the fire,
Lord, with love my soul inspire. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #83