1 Home, home, beautiful City!
O when, when shall we get there?
Long, long here have we wand'red,
All burdened with sorrow and dare.
Home, home, home, home,
Jesus is calling us home;
Home, home, home, home,
Jesus is calling us home.
2 Home, home, there in thy bowers,
Sweet strains of music shall swell;
Sin, sin never can enter,
But peace in each bosom shall dwell. [Refrain]
3 Home, home, bliss of the parted,
Where lov'd ones meet on its shore;
Here, here lonely they've left us,
but soon we'll be parted no more. [Refrain]
4 Home, home, rest of the weary,
And peace to ev'ry torn breast;
Bright bright hope of the erring;
There in that bright mansion we'll rest. [Refrain]
5 Home, home, onward we're hast'ning,
And soon, soon we shall be there;
Hark! hark! Jesus is calling,
"Come home to your mansions so fair." [Refrain]