1 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?
must I forever mourn?
How long wilt thou withdraw from me,
Oh, never to return?
2 How long shall anxious Thoughts my Soul,
and Grief my Heart oppress?
How long my Enemies insult,
and I have no Redress?
3 O, hear! and to my longing Eyes
restore thy wonted Light;
And suddenly, or I shall sleep
in everlasting Night.
4 Restore me, lest they proudly boast
'twas their own Strength o'ercame;
Permit not them that vex my Soul,
to triumph in my Shame.
5 Since I have always plac'd my Trust
beneath thy Mercy's Wing,
Thy saving Health will come, and then
my Heart with Joy shall spring;
6 Then shall my Song, with Praise inspir'd,
to thee, my God, ascend,
Who to thy Servant in Distress,
such Bounty didst extend.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the Tunes used in Churches #XIII