Display Title: How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely First Line: How lovely, Lord, how lovely Tune Title: MERLE'S TUNE Author: Arlo D. Duba Meter: D Scripture: Psalm 84 Date: 2012 Subject: Biblical Names and Places | Jacob; Blessing | ; Church Year | Lent; Church Year | Transfiguration; Desiring God | ; Discipleship | ; Doubt | ; Elements of Worship | Baptism; Elements of Worship | Gathering; Elements of Worship | Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship | Praise and Adoration; Fear | ; God | Desire for; God | Trust in; God as | Refuge; God as | Shield; God's | Armor; God's | Deeds; God's | Face; God's | House; God's | Love; God's | Name; God's | People (flock, sheep); God's | Promise of Redemption; God's | Strength; God's | Way; Grace | ; Hymns of Praise | ; Jesus Christ | Incarnation; Joy | ; Longing for God | ; Occasional Services | Christian Marriage; Occasional Services | Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services | Funerals; Occasional Services | Ordination and/or Installation; Pain | ; Peace | ; People of God / Church | Citizens of Heaven; Prayer | ; Rest | ; Songs of Zion | ; Sorrow | ; Suffering | ; Temple | ; Temptation And Trial | ; The Fall | ; The Incarnation | ; Trust | ; Unity and Fellowship | ; Year A, B, C, Presentation of the Lord, February 2 | ; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27 | ; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29 |
Psalms for All Seasons #84C