1 I hear my Master calling,
“O who will go for Me,
And bear the blessed tidings
To souls beyond the sea?”
I saw the Master pointing
To Afric’s heathen shore,
Where millions grope in darkness,
And Satan’s legions roar.
Here am I, Lord,
Here am I, Lord,
Here am I, send me, send me;
Here am I, Lord,
Here am I, Lord,
Here am I, send me, send me.
2 I dreamed of dusky faces
Beyond the rolling sea,
Who’d never heard of Jesus,
The Lamb of Calvary;
Again a sweet voice whispered:
“O, who will go for Me,
And preach the gospel tidings,
Salvation full and free?” [Chorus]
3 O, I am very happy;
God’ will is sweet to me;
His presence will go with us
Across the rolling sea;
‘Tis just as near to heaven
From Africa, I know;
So farewell, friends and loved ones,
For we are bound to go. [Chorus]
4 “My presence shall go with thee,”
That is our bank and store;
The presence of Jehovah,
How could we ask for more?
His promise ne’er was broken,
Nor can it ever be;
‘Twill prove our bank unfailing,
Across the rolling sea. [Chorus]
5 Some day the joyful summons
Shall ring across the sea,
“Behold, the Bridegroom cometh;”
O, what a jubilee!
With sheaves that He has given,
On wings of love we’ll rise,
To dwell with Christ forever,
Beyond the vaulted skies. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #88