1 I journey along ‘mid the trials of life,
Rejoicing wherever I go;
Since Jesus has promised me peace in all strife,
His joy is the portion I know.
If I may but see Him, if I may but see Him,
I care not how dark it may be;
No danger shall harm me, no shadows alarm me,
If Jesus my Lord I may see!
2 The valley of shadow, though lonely and deep,
Shall never have terrors for me,
For if He is with me to comfort and keep,
His face will be glory for me. [Refrain]
3 His presence will cheer me, His staff and His rod,
On Him in sweet trust I will lean;
Forgetting all shadow, I’ll look on my God,
And know what true glory can mean. [Refrain]
4 When shadows are lifted and mists rolled away,
Unhindered my vision shall be,
For glory untold in the city of day,
In His shining face I shall see. [Refrain]
Source: Revival Hymns: a Collection of New and Standard Hymns for Gospel and social meetings, Sunday schools and Young People's Societies #16