1 I once was a wand’rer and far from my God,
The broad road to ruin I constantly trod;
I sought the dear Saviour, who set me aright,
And now I am happy by day and by night.
Glory to God, I’m in the good way,
I’m in the good way, I’m in the good way;
Glory to God, I’m in the good way,
And happy by night and day.
2 All glory to Jesus! I’m in the good way,
My pathway grows brighter unto perfect day;
It is so delightful to walk in the light
And know his blood cleanseth by day and by night. [Refrain]
3 And when in the valley I come to pass thro’,
He then will be with me and comfort me, too;
I then shall be happy as mortal can be,
From sin, pain and sorrow forever be free. [Refrain]
4 And then with the ransomed to Zion we’ll come,
With joy everlasting we’ll sing ‘round his throne,
The Kin in his beauty forever shall reign,
We’ll shout Hallelujah! Amen and amen. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of the Gospel No. 3: for use in religious meetings #37