1 I once was in the desert, all weary, sad and lone,
Until my Saviour told me that I was still His own,
He bade me leave my folly and from the danger flee,
And since I found the Saviour, He's ev'rything to me.
He's ev'rything, yes, ev'rything to me,
He's ev'rything, yes, ev'rything to me,
Thro' night and day,
Where'er I stray,
He's ev'rything to me.
2 I left the barren desert and sought His loving face,
Depending on His mercy and on His saving grace;
He smiled upon me gently; from sin He set me free,
And since I found the Saviour, He's ev'rything to me. [Chorus]
3 He gives me joyous singing and makes the sun to shine,
And oft He smiles upon me, and then I know He's mine,
He carries all my burdens and keep me on life's sea,
For since I'll sing in triumph: "He's ev'rything to me. [Chorus]
4 And in the silent watch of the lonely midnight hour,
He comes my soul to rescue and shows His mighty pow'r,
And when the light of glory comes shining o'er death's sea,
O then I'll sing in triumph: "He's ev'rything to me. [Chorus]
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #203