1. I saw a mighty angel fly,
To earth he bent his way,
A message bearing from on high,
To cheer the sons of day,
To cheer the sons of day.
2. Truth is the message which he bears–
The Gospel's joyful sound.
To calm our doubts, to chase our fears
And make our joys abound,
And make our joys abound.
3. He cries, and with a mighty voice;
Ye nations lend an ear,
And isles and continents rejoice,
The great Redeemer's near!
The great Redeemer's near!
4. He cries; let ev'ry ear attend,
And thrones and empires all!
Fear God, and make the Lord your friend,
The King, the Lord of all!
The King, the Lord of all!
5. Fear God, and worship Him who made
The heavens, earth, and sea!
Fear Him on whom your sins were laid–
Who died to make you free!
Who died to make you free!
Source: Latter-Day Saints Congregational Hymns #39