1 I saw the holy city,
The new Jerusalem,
Come down from heaven a bride adorned
With jeweled diadem;
The flood of crystal waters
Flowed down the goldens street;
And nations brought their honors there,
And laid them at her feet.
2 And there no sun was needed,
Nor moon to shine by night,
God’s glory did enlighten all,
The Lamb Himself, the light;
And there His servants serve Him,
And, life’s long battle o’er,
Enthroned with Him, their Saviour King,
They reign forevermore.
3 O great and glorious vision!
The Lamb unto His throne;
O wondrous light for man to see!
The Saviour with His own;
To drink the living waters
And stand upon the shore,
Where neither sorrow, sin, or death
Shall ever enter more.
4 O Lamb of God who reignest,
Thou Bright and Morning Star,
Whose glory lightens that new earth
Which now we see from far;
O worthy Judge Eternal,
When Thou dost bid us come,
Then open wide the gates of pearl
And call Thy servants home.
Source: The Service Hymnal: Compiled for general use in all religious services of the Church, School and Home #412