I too, forewarned by Jesus’ love. C. Wesley. [Death Anticipated.] The two closing hymns of the Official Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, N. Y., 1878, are, "I too, forewarned by Jesus' love," and "In age and feebleness extreme." They are introduced by the following special note:—
"The following hymns were composed by Charles Wesley in extreme old age. The second hymn was his last utterance in verse, and was dictated on his death-bed."
With regard to "I too, forewarned by Jesus' love," it was published in C. Wesley's Short Hymns, &c, 1762, vol. ii. p. 397, No. 783, on 2 Peter i. 14, and in 2 stanzas of 4 lines (P. Works, 1868-72, vol. xiii. p. 191.) As C. Wesley was born in 1707, and died in 1788, this gives his age as 55 when the hymn was published, that is 28 years before he died. The hymn therefore was not written by him "in extreme old age." The statement concerning "In age and feebleness extreme" (q.v.), however, is correct.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)