1. If ye ask it shall be given,
Not one will Father turn away;
Then, come and tell him all thy sorrows,
For he will hear you when you pray.
Tho' half unspoken thy petition,
Thy faith in him will bear it home;
With all thy heart believe his promise,
And pray until the answer come.
Pray in faith believing,
The promise is your own;
Faith will move the God of heaven,
He will send the answer down.
2. Come believing, he will listen,
Although thy pray'r may seem denied;
Then ask again, as did the woman
Who for her daughter to him cried.
Undaunted, when at first the Savior
Regarded not her artless plea;
She sought him long till he requited
Her faith and importunity.
3. Jacob wrestled with the angel,
Tho' long and wearisome the night,
Until his urgent plea was granted;
The answer came with morning light.
Fear not, tho' oft you wait in darkness,
For you shall not be turned away;
Keep praying, God will send the answer;
'Twill surely come at break of day.
4. Know, O soul, thy earnest pleading
Is falling on his list'ning ear.
"Before they call me I will answer,
While yet they're speaking I will hear."
Of all his good and gracious promise
There hath not failed a single word;
Thy God will surely send the answer,
For thy petition he hath heard.
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #194