1 If you would know the mind of God,
And do your duty right,
First give your self to him by faith;
Make him your chief delight.
2 When you have made the Lord your choice
And given him your heart,
Then you will find his holy word,
The choicest rules impart.
3 O search this rule by faith and prayer,
Your duty you will find,
And strength to do what he requires:
The Lord is just and kind.
4 O don't neglect your duty then,
But give yourself to God,
And for the duty he requires,
Go take his written word.
5 His spirit invoke to guide your right,
That you may never stray;
'Twill lead you thro' this darksome night
To everlasting day.
6 There you shall find your troubles go;
There peace and joys abound
Rivers of love and pleasures flow
In one eternal round
Source: A Collection of Hymns, selected from sundry poets: together with a number of new poems, never before published #V