Nasif al-Yaziji (March 25, 1800 – February 8, 1871) was a Lebanese author at the times of the Ottoman Empire and father of Ibrahim al-Yaziji. He was one of the leading figures in the Nahda movement. We was a poet, wrote and translated many hymns, and helped in translating the complete Bible into Arabic.
ناصيف بن عبد الله بن جنبلاط بن سعد اليازجي (25 مارس 1800 - 8 فبراير 1871)، أديب وشاعر لبناني ولد في قرية كفر شيما، من قرى الساحل اللبناني في 25 آذار سنة 1800 م في أسرة اليازجي التي نبغ كثير من أفرادها في الفكر والأدب، وأصله من حمص.
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Frederick C. Maker (b. Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, 1844; d. Bristol, 1927) composed INVITATION for this text. Also known as COME TO THE SAVIOR, the tune was published in the Bristol Tune Book (1881), edited by Alfred Stone and others. Well matched to the text, INVITATION begins gently but inv…
Joseph Barnby (b. York, England, 1838; d. London, England, 1896) composed LAUDES DOMINI for this text [When morning gilds the skies] Tune and text were published together in the 1868 Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern and they have been inseparable ever since. An accomplished and popular choral di…