1. I'll thee extol, my God, and King,
And ever bless thy name.
2. I'll bless thee every day, and sing,
With endless songs, thy fame,
3. The Lord is great, all praise his due,
His greatness thought exceeds.
4. One age the next, thy works, shall show;
And sing thy mighty deeds.
5. I'll speak the glories of thy state,
And wonders thou hast done.
6. While men thy terrors shall relate;
Thy greatness I'll make known.
7. Thy matchless goodness, they shall praise
With cheerful heart, and tongue;
Thy righteousness, in all thy ways,
Shall be their constant wrong.
8. God's good, and kind, and rich in grace;
But unto anger show.
9. He's good to all; in every place,
His tender mercies flow.
10. Thee, all thy works, O Lord, shall praise;
And thee thy saints shall bless:
11. Abroad thy kingdom's glory blaze,
Thy mighty power confess.
12. To make all nations know his power;
And kingdom's glorious state.
13. Thy kingdom ever shall endure;
Thy reign's of endless date.
Second Part
14. The Lord preserveth all that fall;
And raiseth up the low.
15. All look to thee; thou food to all,
In season, dost bestow.
16. Thine open hand to all conveys.
According to their needs.
17. Thou, Lord, art just in all thy ways,
And bountiful in deeds.
18. The Lord is nigh, to help them all
That his kind aid implore;
He'll none reject that on him call,
And him in truth adore.
19. But he'll their just desires fulfill,
That his great name revere;
To their request attend he will,
And save them from their fear.
20. All, who the Lord sincerely love,
Protection shall enjoy;
But who perversely wicked prove,
He'll utterly destroy.
21. Raptures divine my tongue inspire,
To sing Jehovah's fame;
Let all flesh join the sacred choir,
And ever bless his name.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752