1 In God the Lord I put my trust,
why say ye to my soul,
Unto the mountains swiftly fly
as doth the wing-ed fowl?
2 Behold, the wick-ed bend their bows,
their arrows they prepare,
To shoot in secret at those, who
sincere and upright are.
3 Of worldly hope all stays were shrunk,
and clearly brought to naught:
Alas! the just and upright man,
what evil hath he wrought?
4 But he that in his temple is
most holy and most high,
And in the highest heav'ns doth sit
in royal majesty,
5 The poor and simple man's estate
considers in his mind,
And searcheth out full narrowly
the manners of mankind;
6 And with a cheerful countenance
the righteous man will use,
But in his heart he doth abhor
all such as mischief muse;
7 And on the sinners casteth snares
as thick as hail or rain,
Brimstone and fire, and whirlwinds great,
appointed for their pain.
8 Ye see then how a righteous God
doth righteousness embrace,
And unto just and upright men
shows forth his pleasant face.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms #XI