1 In Heav’n are many mansions fair,
No sin, no grief, no sorrow there;
In Heav’n God’s weary ones find rest,
His children are forever blest.
O praise Him with your voice and sing,
Till earth and Heav’n with anthems ring;
Rejoice! rejoice! blest be the Word,
Ye shall be ever with the Lord.
2 In Heav’n the holy angels dwell,
And loud their joyful anthems swell;
In Heav’n God’s saints their voices raise,
And join with angels in His praise. [Refrain]
3 On earth, in Heav’n, the ransomed sing
The glory of their Savior, King;
Their song on earth redeeming love,
And that their song in Heav’n above. [Refrain]
4 Then comfort ye your hearts, nor fear,
For Heav’n to earth is very near;
And there the saints who love His Word
Shall be forever with their Lord. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11362