1 In sailing life’s sea I have nothing to fear,
Tho’ tempests are tossing me high,
If only the voice of my Saviour I hear:
“Come be of good cheer, it is I.”
Though trials my strength may defy,
For help unto Jesus I cry,
And when I am tempted or danger is near,
I’ll trust him and be of good cheer.
2 Tho’ fortune may fail me and health may decline,
Tho’ others turn back in dismay,
I’ll cling to my Saviour and never repine,
And he will not cast me away. [Refrain]
3 No dangers appall when my Saviour is near,
And when I am summoned on high,
My heart will rejoice if I only can hear
“Come, be of good cheer it is I.” [Refrain]
Source: Songs for All #72