1 In the battlefield of life there is long an bitter strive,
And there's failure in the end for you,
If you have not God's strong arm, safe to keep you from all harm,
There is failure in the end for you.
Then enlist in the army of the Lord,
Put your breastplate on of armour, gird your sword,
In the blood-stained battle-field
Bravely fight and never yeild,
For we're marching to a glorious victory.
2 In the fight that's fierce and lang, there are many foes and strong.
And there's failure in the end for me,
If I trust not in His power, safe to keep me ev'ry hour,
There is failure in the end for me. [Chorus]
3 In the fight with death and sin there's a glory-crown to win,
And there's failure in the end for none,
Who will keep their armour bright, and will fight for God and right,
There is failure in the end for none. [Chorus]
4 In the battlefield the foes there will deal us many blows,
Let us fix our eyes on Christ, our King;
we will conquer by His grace, we shall ev'ry foe displace,
And the vict'ry up in heav'n we'll sing. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Grace and Truth #39