1 In the desert, days of old,
When they call'd for gems and gold,
For a sacred offering,
Only he whose spirit stirr'd,
Willing-hearted, at the word,
Might a gift or treasure bring.
Freely give, still he calls,
And the promise of my word believe.
Freely give, still he calls,
And as freely do my love receive!
2 Then the women that were wise,
Spun of blue and purple dyes;
And the call was heard by them.
But by willing hands, alone,
Might the broid'ry work be done,
Of the sacred vesture hem. [Refrain]
3 Mighty rulers came and gave
Shining gems whereon to grave
All the names of Israel;
But their willing hands alone,
With the precious onyx-stone,
Might the needful treasure swell. [Refrain]
4 Thus the work of God's command,
By his prophet's hand,
Was in sacred service wrought,
But the best and blessed part,
Was the glad and willing heart,
That his loving children brought. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #154