1 Infinite, unexhausted Love!
Jesus and love are one;
If still to me thy bowels move,
They are restrain'd to none.
2 What shall I do my god to Love!
My loving god to praise?
Thy length, and breath and height to prove,
And depth of sov'regin grace?
3 Thy sov'reign grace to all extends,
Immense and unconfin'd?
From age to age it never ends,
It reaches all minkind.
4 Throughout the world its breath is known,
Wide as infinity!
So wide, it never pass'd by one,
Or it had pass'd by me.
5 My trespass was grown up to heav'n;
But far above the skies,
In Christ abundantly forgiv'n,
I see thy mercies rise!
6 The depth of all-redeeming love
What angel-tongue can tell?
O may I to the utmost prove
The gift unspeakable?
7 Come quickly, gracious Lord, and take
Possession of thine own!
My longing heart vouchsafe to make
Thine everlasting throne!
8 Assert thy claim, maintain thy right,
Come quickly from above;
And sink me to perfections height,
The depth of humble love.
Source: A Pocket Hymn Book: designed as a constant companion for the pious, collected from various authors (9th ed.) #LVI