1 Into all the world the call is ringing,
Sound now the bugle notes to high and low;
Hear now our Leader’s voice,
“Go out, and bringing
Rich sheaves from out the harvest-fields below.”
Into all the world, into all the world
Let us send the wondrous story;
Into all the world, into all the world,
Till the earth is filled with His glory.
2 Into all the world— to lonely islands,
Where ocean seethes and breaks her mighty waves,
O tell to them the same, the old sweet story,
How Jesus died and from our sins He saves. [Refrain]
3 Into all the world, O let us hasten;
While yet our torch is lit we’ll bear the light,
And banish from these lands the heavy shadows,
And into day now turn the blackest night. [Refrain]
Source: Rodeheaver's Gospel Songs for church, Sunday Schools and evangelistic services #58