1 Isaac a ransom while he lay,
Upon the altar bound.
Moses, an infant cast away,
By Pharaoh’s daughter found.
Did ‘nt old Pharaoh get lost, get lost, get lost,
Did ‘nt old Pharaoh get lost in the Red Sea?
2 Joseph by his false brethren sold,
God raised above them all;
To Hannah’s child the Lord foretold
How Eli’s house should fall. [Chorus]
3 The Lord said unto Moses,
Go unto Pharaoh now;
Thus says the God of Israel,
Let my people go. [Chorus]
4 King Pharaoh said, Who is the lord,
That I should him obey?
His name is Jehovah,
For he hears people pray. [Chorus]
5 So on came raging Pharaoh,
As they could plainly see;
King Pharaoh and his army
Got drowned in the Red Sea. [Chorus]
6 Then the Lord spoke unto Moses
From sinai’s burning top,
Saying, Moses lead my children
Till I shall bid you stop. [Chorus]
7 Men, women and children,
To Moses they did flock;
They cried aloud for water,
When Moses smote the rock. [Chorus]
8 Hark, hear the children murmur!
They cry aloud for bread;
Down comes the heavenly manna,
And the hungry souls are fed. [Chorus]
Source: A Collection of Revival Hymns and Plantation Melodies #12