1 I've a friend, of friends the fairest,
I have known and proved him long;
His is beauty, purest, rarest,
His is love most true and strong.
Ever since his kindness drew me,
And my newborn soul found breath,
Jesus has been growing dearer,
Till to lose him would be death.
Take the world, but give me Jesus,
He alone can satisfy;
Take the world, but give me Jesus;
‘Neath his cross I’ll live and die.
2 When my heart with joy is glowing,
‘Tis of Jesus I would sing,
When my cup is overflowing,
To his feet my praises bring.
And when care and sorrow meet me,
Pain and grief and dark distress,
Still I cry: O give me Jesus,
He alone can help and bless!
3 Would you gain this friend so tender?
Would you find this faithful guide?
Come then, make a full surrender,
Yield to Jesus crucified.
Take his easy yoke upon you,
And his purpose daily learn,
Just to do his will entirely,
Pleasing him your chief concern.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #343