1 Jehovah's grace, how full, how free:
His language how divine!
"My Son, thou ever art with me,
And all I have is thine.
2 "My saints shall each a portion share,
That's worthy of a God;
They are my chief, my constant care--
The purchase of my blood.
3 "Both grace and glory I will give,
And nothing good deny;
With me my saints shall ever live,
And reign with me on high.
4 "And should a hundred thousand more,
Accept the proffered grace,
I have a heaven prepared--for all;
Nor shall you have the less."
5 Then, dearest Lord, let millions come,
And feast on pard'ning grace;
Bring prodigals, bring exiles home,
And we will shout thy praise.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #142