1 Jerusalem! O city bright,
Where the tree of life is growing, by the waters fair;
Jerusalem! O land of light!
Where the saints shall rest from toil and care.
O city ever bright and fair!
The saints of God are praising there,
In songs of heavn'nly harmonies, the King upon the throne;
'Mid joy supernal they shall rest,
In Jesus' presence ever blest;
By him redeem'd on the cross, by his blood alone.
2 No sorrow there, no toil nor care,
Ere shall cross thy sacred portals, nor thy peace shall move;
Our King is there, and mansions fair
Are prepar'd for those whom he doth love. [Chorus]
3 There all is pure, and rest secure
Is awaiting those who enter, never to remove;
Within thy gates a welcome waits,
Purchased by a Savior's endless love. [Chorus]
4 Sure hope shall bear our spirits there,
Ev'ry longing of the heart t'ward thee doth gladly tend;
There we shall sing unto our King
Songs of praise that ne'er shall have an end. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #61