1 Jesu! Our eternal king!
Thy Epiphany we sing,
Manifested by Thy grace
To our lost and fallen race.
2 O’er Thy cradle shone a star,
Guiding pilgrims from afar,
Bearing to their maker’s feet
Gold and myrrh and incense sweet.
3 In fair Jordan’s crystal wave
Thou wast merged our souls to save;
To Thee came the heavenly Dove,
With the Father’s voice of love.
4 At the feast in Galilee
Wondering guests Thy glory see;
Water owns Thy power divine,
Changing into ruddy wine.
5 Jesu! Lord of life divine!
Let Thy star upon us shine,
Wash us with Thy saving blood,
Be Thy wine our sacred food.
6 Till, upborne in seraph’s wing,
Heaven’s Epiphany we sing,
Praising with the angel host,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10837