1 Jesus bursts the bars of death
And despoils the greedy grave;
To the king discrowned He saith,
"I am risen souls to save."
Tyrant, now thy reign is ended,
Thy dread sting I take away;
With thy pains sweet hopes are blended,
None need longer dread thy sway.
2 Trembling soldiers stricken dumb,
Fall around the sickled grain,
While the heav’nly heralds come,
To behold the Victor slain.
Loudly from sepulchral stone,
They proclaim that death is dead.
Christ is now the Lord alone,
He is risen, as He said!
3 Shout, ye ransomed! Shout aloud,
Make the very heavens ring;
Shout, as round the grave we crowd,
"He is risen! Christ is king."
Seraphs, hymns of triumph raise,
Earth, your sweetest songs employ,
Swelling high the tide of praise,
Voicing loud one mighty joy!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8577