1 Jesus calls, he speaks to-day,
What will you, dear sinner, say?
Will you turn from folly, sin,
And the new life now begin,
Or will you his love disdain, disdain,
Put him to an open shame?
Pass his pleading idly by
And to swift destruction fly?
2 Jesus calls--he speaks to-day,
What will you, dear sinner, say?
Will your heart the call believe,
And the blessed Lord receive?
Then all heaven for you will bring
Golden harps--triumphant sing
Praises to Jehovah's name,
That for you the Lamb was slain.
3 Jesus calls--he speaks to-day,
What will you, dear sinner, say?
Do you linger? come, believe-
Do not now the spirit grieve!
Hasten! Jesus stands close by,
To his bosom quickly fly;
He will heal your wounded heart,
Shield you from the tempter's dart.
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #27