1 Jesus calls the children dear,
"Come to me, and never fear,
For I love the little children of the world;
I will take you by the hand,
Lead you to the better land,
For I love the little children of the world."
Jesus loves the little children,
all the children of the world,
All the children of the earth,
they are precious from their birth,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
2 Jesus is the Shepherd true,
And He'll always stand by you,
For He loves the little children of the world;
He's a Savior great and strong,
And He'll shield you from the wrong,
For He loves the little children of the world. [Refrain]
3 I am coming, Lord, to Thee,
And Thy soldier I will be,
For He loves the little children of the world;
And His cross I'll always bear,
And for Him I'll do and dare,
For He loves the little children of the world. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for a Pilgrim People: a congregational hymnal #166