1 Jesus Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory
To redeem poor fallen man,
Gave His life that we might sing and tell the story
Of His saving plan;
On the cruel cross of Calv'ry how He suffered,
Shed His precious blood so free,
O He conquered death arising from the grave,
Just for you and me.
On the cross Our Savior died,
They nailed His hands,
And they pierced His blessed side;
O what love, boundless love,
There on dark Calvary, When our Lord Jesus died,
Just for you and me.
2 On the rugged cross they crucified the Savior,
There between two thieves one day,
Suffered agony to do for us a favor,
Such a price did pay;
With a broken heart He prayed unto the Father,
Listen to His tender plea,
How they scoffed and mocked till Jesus Christ was dead,
Just for you and me. [Refrain]
3 Jesus opened up the way that leads to heaven,
When He died upon the cross,
For the vilest sinner His own life has given,
Bore much pain and loss, we love Him;
Sinner, won't you come and join us on our journey,
That Elysian land to see,
There to share the home that Christ the Savior built,
Just for you and me. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #108