1 Jesus, holiest, tenderest, dearest,
Loveliest, lowliest, most sublime!
Glorious King of kings yet nearest
To Thy people through all time,
Still abiding,
Mighty in each age, each clime!
2 Change, so potent through the ages,
Hath put forth no power on Thee;
Sages have been and ceased to be;
Still Thou teachest,
Still abides Thy sovereignty.
3 Ages pass, but Thou maintainest
Thy sweet sway, Lord Jesus, now;
Freedom grows, but Still Thou reignest;
Light spreads round, still shinest Thou;
Souls most lofty
To Thy gracious sceptre bow.
4 Never was our Helper nearer
In the strife with sin and wrong,
Never was our Brother dearer,
Never was our King more strong;
Never held’st Thou
Fuller sway o’er life and song.
5 Still the same but more victorious,
With a wider, deeper sway;
Lord than yesterday more glorious
King more mighty than today;
Thus for ever!
More our life, our strength, our stay!
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom of God: with Tunes #120