1 Jesus is always the same true friend,
On this assurance our hearts depend;
Trust in the love that can never end,
Jesus is always the same.
Always the same, always the same,
Friends may forsake us,
Jesus is always the same,
Always the same, always the same,
Life, love and joy may fail,
But Jesus is always the same.
2 Bright hopes deceive us, and tears will start
When friends and loved ones drift far apart;
But there is balm for the wounded heart,
Jesus is always the same. [Refrain]
3 Jesus will daily our joy renew;
Love Him and serve Him life’s journey through;
Though all else fail us, we’ll find it true,
Jesus is always the same. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #30