1 Jesus! Name of wondrous love,
name all other names above,
unto which must ev'ry knee
bow in deep humility.
2 Jesus! Name decreed of old,
to the maiden mother told,
kneeling in her lowly cell,
by the angel Gabriel.
3 Jesus! Name of priceless worth
to the fallen here on earth
for the promise that it gave,
"Jesus shall his people save."
4 Jesus! Name of mercy mild,
given to the Holy Child
when the cup of human woe
first he tasted here below.
5 Jesus! Only name that's giv'n
under all the mighty heav'n
whereby those to sin enslaved
burst their fetters and are saved.
6 Jesus! Name of wondrous love,
human name of God above;
pleading only this, we flee
helpless, O our God, to thee.
Source: Christian Worship: Hymnal #496