1 "Jesus only, Jesus only"- in the morning,
When I rise to greet the day,
"Jesus only, Jesus only"- in the evening,
When I lay my cares away.
"Jesus only."
2 "Jesus only, Jesus only"- in the spring-time,
When the flower-buds unfold;
"Jesus only, Jesus only"- in the autumn,
When the trees are decked with gold.
"Jesus only."
3 "Jesus only, Jesus only"- when in Judgment
I am asked to give account;
"Jesus only, Jesus only"- when I measure
Grace abounding in amount.
"Jesus only."
4 "Jesus only, Jesus only"- This shall ever
Be my all prevailing plea;
"Jesus only, Jesus only"- that in glory
I may in His likeness be!
"Jesus only."
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #235