1 Jesu’s precious name excels
Jordan’s streams, and Salem’s wells;
Thirsty sinners, come and draw,
Quench the flames of Sinai’s law.
2 Fearful sinners, come and try—
Draw and drink with inward joy;
Christ is fresh, and full, and free;
Sinners, come, whoe’er you be.
3 See the waters springing up,
To revive your languid hope;
Fill your vessels, as it rolls,
And refresh your weary souls.
4 Lo! the Spirit now invites!
Lo! the happy Bride unites!
Jesus calls, be not afraid,
Lo! for you the well was made!
5 Justice made it in the Lamb,
Mercy grants it thro’ His name;
Faith receives a full supply;
Those who drink it cannot die.
6 Careless sinner, let me tell,
Not a drop is found in hell;
Not a drop to ease your smart,
Not a drop to cool your heart.
7 Haste you to the Lamb of God,
Seek salvation in His blood;
In it there is boundless store,
For ten thousand thousands more.
8 Constant tributes let us bring,
For this soul refreshing spring;
Constant let our praises rise,
’Till we drink above the skies.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8678