1 Jesus, Shepherd of thy people,
Lead us through this desert land;
We are weak, and poor, and feeble,
Yet we trust thy mighty hand;
Great Protector!
By thy power alone we stand.
2 All thy sheep shall come to Zion;
With them thou wilt never part;
Beasts of prey, nor roaring lion,
None shall pluck them from thy heart;
All thy chosen
Cost thee wounds, and blood, and smart.
3 In thy bosom safely lodgèd,
Thine shall rest from danger free;
They shall never more be judgèd,
Nor shall condemnation see;
Blessed Jesus,
Let us thus rejoice in thee.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #349