1 Jesus sinners doth receive!
Let the lost and sorrowing hear it;
Though in sin and shame they grieve,
And Jehovah's anger merit,
Here's what can their woe relieve:
Jesus sinners doth receive.
2 No such mercy can we claim;
But our blessed Lord hath spoken;
He hath sworn by His great Name,
And His Word cannot be broken.
Heaven is open! O believe
Jesus sinners doth receive.
3 As the shepherd seeks to find
His lost sheep that from him strayeth,
So hath Christ each soul in mind,
And for its salvation prayeth;
Fain He'd have each wanderer live:
Jesus sinners doth receive.
4 Come, then, all by guilt oppressed,
Jesus calls, and He would make you
God's own children, pure and blest,
And to glory He would take you;
Think on this, and well believe
Jesus sinners doth receive.
5 In my grief I now draw near,
All my sinfullness confessing;
Saviour, my petition hear,
Grant me parden and Thy blessing;
Help, O help me to believe
Jesus sinners doth receive.
6 Cheered at thought of peace with God,
Darkness yields to hopeful brightness
Through the merit of Thy blood
Scarlet sins are turned to whiteness
As I say, and now believe,
Jesus sinners doth receive!
7 Now my conscience is at peace;
From the Law I stand acquitted;
Christ hath purchased my release,
And my every sin remitted.
Naught remains my soul to grieve:
Jesus sinners doth receive.
8 Jesus sinners doth receive,
Me hath taken to His favor,
Opened heaven that I may live
With my Lord at home for ever;
And in death this joy I have:
Jesus sinners doth receive.
Source: Christian Hymns: for church, school and home, with music #182