1 Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation!
Swift let it fly to the ends of the earth;
Blessings from Heaven for every nation—
Angels would tell it, for they know its worth.
Angels would tell it, how grandly proclaim!
Angels would tell it, His glorious fame!
They’d sing hallelujahs, their loud hallelujahs,
And spread thro’ the nations His life bringing name.
2 Passing the angels in bright ranks of glory,
Leaving the singers with harps in their hands;
Christ came to mortals and gave them His story:
Tell it to others in every land! [Refrain]
3 All those who know it are preachers of Jesus,
Little or big, they should speak in His name;
Doing His will, for He evermore sees us;
Giving the pennies to spread forth His fame. [Refrain]
4 Then when He cometh to gather His loved ones,
Bearing them back to His home in the sky,
Out of all lands will He summon His saved sons,
Saved thro’ His children—shall it be you or I? [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8072