1. Just over the river are palaces grand,
And mansions so lovely and fair,
They're fashioned and made by our Saviour's own hand,
And He is inviting us there.
Home, home, beautiful home,
Home of the pure and the blest;
Home, home, wonderful home,
Home of eternal rest.
2. Tho' storm clouds and tempests awhile must abide,
And trials and crosses must come,
The mansions are ready, the portals are wide,
And Jesus will soon take us home. [Refrain]
3. A few weary journeys, a few busy days,
'Mid tears and temptations and pray'r,
Our pray'rs will be turned to hosannas of praise
As Jesus shall welcome us there. [Refrain]
4. For ever we'll dwell in those mansions so nigh,
And bask in the glory of God,
Rememb'ring this life as a short, broken sigh,
Forgetting the thorns we have trod. [Refrain]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #152