1 Just why He saved me I don’t know,
Nor why it was He loved me so;
But this I know—He is my Lord,
I’m trusting in His blessed word.
Some day, yes, some day,
When I have heard the angel call,
‘Twill all be plain, the loss, the gain;
Yes, some day, some day I shall know it all.
2 Just why He whispered, “Come to Me,”
I cannot know or tell to thee;
But this I know—I heard His voice,
And in His love I now rejoice.[Refrain]
3 Just why He tries me every day,
And lets new sorrows cross my way,
I cannot tell; but this I know—
He’s with me everywhere I go.[Refrain]
4 O blessed knowledge this, that He
Is ever near to comfort me!
So every day I’ll trust and sing,
And to my blessed Saviour cling. [Refrain]
Source: Revival Hymns: a Collection of New and Standard Hymns for Gospel and social meetings, Sunday schools and Young People's Societies #35