1 Keep trusting in the Saviour;
His blessed words recall,
“Lo, I am with you alway,”
Whatever ills befall;
Remember all His goodness
With gratitude to tell,
And whisper for thy comfort,
“He doeth all things well.”
Keep trusting in the Saviour;
His love O who can tell?
O give Him praise and glory,
“He doeth all things well.”
2 Keep trusting in the Saviour;
He died to save your soul,
And now, is pleading for thee;
On Him thy burdens roll;
His love, like heav’nly sunshine,
Will ev’ry doubt dispel;
Thro’ stormy days, or peaceful,
“He doeth all things well.” [Refrain]
3 Keep trusting in the Saviour,
For He will walk with thee;
And never-ending mercies
Thy wond’ring eyes shall see;
His light will shine upon thee,
Peace in thy heart shall dwell,
While Faith and Hope are singing,
“He doeth all things well.” [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined #44