1 “Knock and it shall be opened”
Hark! tis the Master’s voice
Giving this gracious promise,
Bidding the heart rejoice.
“Knock and it shall be opened”
Oh, will you knock today?
Why should you still be exiled?
Why need you turn away?
“Knock and it shall be opened;
Seek and ye shall find;
Knock and it shall be opened,
Seek and ye shall find.”
2 Knock while the daylight lingers;
Knock ere the night-dews fall;
Hasten your timid footsteps,
Hark to your Master’s call.
Question no more, but quickly
Knock, for He waiting stands
Over against the gateway,
Life in His outstretched hands. [Refrain]
3 “Knock and it shall be opened!”
While it is called today
Yield to the Spirit’s pleading,
Enter the narrow way.
Turn from the paths of darkness;
Now is the time to choose!
“Knock and it shall be opened”—
Can you such grace refuse? [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Gospel Songs No. 2 #127