1 Lamb of God, to thee we raise
hymns of holy love and praise
for the saint and prophet born
to be herald of the morn.
2 Like the morning star he rose,
thine appearing to disclose;
like an ensign lifted high,
he declared thy kingdom nigh.
3 Filled with grace and sanctity
from his blest nativity,
he, the new Elias, came
bearing zeal's most sacred flame.
4 Kinsman of the King divine,
greatest of the prophet's line,
blest forerunner of the Lord,
who his praises can record?
5 Mighty preacher, by whose word
souls to penitence were stirred
those who long in sin had strayed
then the call divine obeyed.
6 Make us, Lord, like him to be
fearless witnesses for thee;
faithful unto death be found,
and at last by thee be crowned.
Source: Common Praise (1998) #270