1 Let all in heav'n their praises bring,
All on the earth and in the seas,
Unite and worship him our King,
And shew the wonders of his grace.
2 The brightest angels near his throne,
With all the happy hosts above,
Delight to make his glories known,
And shew the greatness of his love.
3 But O his love is greater still,
Than men or angels can concieve;
None are so wise as to reveal
His boundless love, by which we live.
4 Immensely great and numberless,
Are the bless'd bounties of his hands:
The vilest sinners must confess,
Tho' they abuse his just commands.
5 Should we not love and praise that God,
On whom the hosts of heav'n attend,
Yet condescends to our abode,
And visits us like as a friend.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCXIII